Plot 1092 Joseph Gomwalk Street, Gudu,Abuja, Nigeria

2021 International Management Conference, Nigeria

innovative approaches to productivity in a changing work environment

Keynotes, professional lectures and workshops

This conference will be featuring keynotes, professional lectures, panel sessions and workshops by seasoned and quality industry experts.

industry Excursions

Conference attendees will be taking on tour to international organizations within Lagos to further deepen learning and create networking opportunities.

Membership inductions

There would be awards and induction of members to both individual and corporate categories.

expert consulting, career fairs and exhibitions

There will be onsite expert consulting to businesses, onsite recruitment for prospective career persons and onsite exhibitions by companies.

Choose the perfect category.

Attendance is opened to three categories of participants.








We are excited to invite the general to 2021 Annual Professional Management and Leadership Conference with the theme “Innovative Approaches To Productivity in a Changing Work Environment”. It is scheduled to hold March 24 – 26, 2021 at the University of Lagos, Akoka.

The Event is a 3-day Management Conference covering key trends in the areas of human resources, customer experience and technology inclusion for effective management. These will be presented as lectures and workshops with live panel sessions; there will also be professional membership induction, awards and an excursion.

The Conference participants will include employers, employees, students, consultants, independent professionals and IT practitioners.

The conference is targeting 4,000 attendees with 1,000 in-conference and 3,000 on online participation.

It shall be a great time to learn, interact and network.

The Key Note Address is Strategic Leadership for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment. 

This shall be delivered by one of the finest global strategic leadership and management expert.

Lecture 1: Emotional Intelligence Applications for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

Lecture 2: Diversity and Inclusion Strategies for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

Lecture 3: Effective Customer Experience Strategy for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

Lecture 4: Building and Adopting an Effective Remote Working System for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

Lecture 5: Strategic Business Restructuring for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment. – People, Customers and Technology.

Lecture 6: Quality Work Life Balance and Entrepreneurship

Panel Session 1: Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace Today.

Panel Session 2: New Normal Realities: Quality Work Life  as an effective tool for enhanced productivity.

Panel Session 3: Driving Businesses Using Technology

  1. Executive Leadership Workshop: Strategic Leadership and Management Consulting.
  2. Strategic Alignment Workshop: Employee Experience Strategy, Customer Experience Strategy and Strategic Marketing.
  3. Branding and Digital Inclusions Workshop.

There shall professional membership induction for both individuals and organizations who had met the requirements.

Individual Membership can be through training and/or direct application.

The membership categories for individuals are; Associate, Members and Fellow.

For more information, click here>>>

The membership categories for corporate are; Elite, gold and platinum membership.

For more information, click here>>>

Call for conference papers is opened till  March 5, 2021.

Areas of Interest:

1. Emotional Intelligence Applications for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

2. Diversity and Inclusion Strategies for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

3. Effective Customer Experience Strategy for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

4. Building and Adopting an Effective Remote Working System for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment.

5. Strategic Business Restructuring for Enhanced Productivity in a Changing Work Environment. – People, Customers and Technology.

6. Quality Work Life Balance and Entrepreneurship

  1. Papers must not exceed 5000 words in length (2000 words for work in progress papers).Include a short biography of up to 50 words of the presenting author in a separate document, with a photograph.
  2. Before submitting your paper please ensure that it has been carefully read for typographical and grammatical errors. If English is not your first language, please have your paper proof-read by an English speaking person. Papers will be returned if the standard of English is not considered to be good enough for publication.
  3. Papers should submitted as a .doc attachment by email to the conference Editor at [email protected].
  4. Papers must not be sent in PDF format and should not be zipped.
  5. Papers can be produced in any PC or MAC version of Microsoft Word using Calibri font 10 pt for the main text.
  6. Set the pagesize to A4 with margins of 2.54cm all around. Please do not insert headers, footers or page numbers. Do not refer to page numbers in your text as these will be changed.
  7. Do not use multiple columns.
  8. Put the title of the paper in bold, left aligned, at the top of the first page only..
  9. The main body of the text should be in Calibri 10 point, single spaced and fully justified. Please use normal capitalisation within the text and do not use bold face for emphasis. Italics are acceptable. All headings should use initial capitals only, excepting for use of Acronyms
  10. You can include bulleted or numbered lists.
  11. Please avoid the use of footnotes. Endnotes are not permitted and papers containing them will be returned.
  12. References should follow the Harvard referencing style.
  13. Submission should be made to [email protected].

This Conference offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities to increase the visibility of your brand (both online and offline) beyond the conference hall.

By becoming a sponsor, you

  • Get the Attention of Hundreds of Attendees.
  • Point More Strategic  Buyers in Your Direction.
  • Position Your Company as a Leader in Driving Human Capital Development.
  • Extend Your Message Beyond the Exhibit Hall.
  • Separate Your Brand from Your Competitors.
  • Showcase your leadership in Corporate Social Responsibility.


  • Your company will be recognized as ‘Lead Sponsor’
  • Your corporate logo will feature on all conference materials.
  •  Corporate logo and profile (a maximum of 150 words) will appear on our website and social media pages within the sponsor section as ‘Lead Sponsor’. 
  • Our website and social media pages will contain a hyperlink (via your corporate logo) to your company’s homepage. 
  • You will receive an A4 Front Page Full Color complimentary advertisement within the institute’s magazine.
  • Corporate branding will appear on all main event signage throughout the conference. 
  • 2 executive and 3 complimentary gold delegates passes to attend conference and networking events.
  • 30% discount fee on other company delegates.
  • You will have the opportunity to make a welcome speech to all delegates.
  • 10 minutes product exhibitory lecture.
  • Your company’s brochure will be included in the conference pack for all conferees.
  • Access to conduct job interviews with members of the institute. 
  • Exhibition Space provided.
  • Award As Lead Sponsor will be given to your company. 
  • Certificate of Participation will be given to your company along all company delegates.
  • After the conference, you enjoy one-year free advert placement on our website and brochures with free email support.


  • Your company will be recognized as ‘Platinum Sponsor’. 
  • Your company corporate logo will feature on all conference materials.
  • Corporate logo & profile (maximum of 100 words) will appear on our website in the sponsor section as ‘Platinum Sponsor’. 
  • Our website and social media pages will contain a hyperlink (via your corporate logo) to your company’s homepage. 
  • You will receive an A4 Back cover Full Color complimentary advertisement within the institute’s magazine.
  • Corporate branding will appear on all main event signage throughout the conference. 
  • 1 executive and 2 gold complimentary delegates  passes to attend conference and networking events. 
  • 20% discount fee on other company delegates.
  • 7 minutes product exhibitory lecture to conferees per day.
  • Your company’s brochure will be included in the conference pack for all conferees. 
  • Access to conduct job interviews with conferees of the institute.  
  • Exhibition space in provided. 
  • Award As Platinum Sponsor will be given to your company.
  • Certificate of Participation will be given to your company along all company delegates.
  • After the conference, you enjoy one-year free advert placement on our website and brochures with free email support.


  • Your company corporate logo will feature on all conference materials. 
  •  Corporate logo and profile (a maximum of 75 words) will appear on our website within the sponsor section as ‘Gold Sponsor’. 
  • A5 Advert space on the institute’s magazine. 
  • Our website will contain a hyperlink (via your corporate logo) to your company’s homepage.
  • Corporate branding will appear on all main event signage throughout the conference.
  • 1 executive and 1 gold complimentary delegate pass to attend conference and networking events.
  • 15% discount fee on other company delegates.
  • 5 minutes product exhibitory lecture to conferees. 
  • Your company’s brochure will be included in the conference pack for all conferees. 
  • Access to conduct job interviews with members of the institute.  
  • Exhibition space provided.
  • Award As Gold Sponsor will be given to your company.
  • Certificate of Participation will be given to your company along all company delegates.

1. A4 Full colored Front Page on institute’s magazine + Logo on website with your company website as hyperlink + Screen Advert inside conference hall + One Minute Introduction On Stage + Exhibition Space  = N150,000.


2. A4 Full colored Inside Page on institute’s magazine + Logo on website with your company website as hyperlink + Screen Advert inside conference hall + One Minute Introduction On Stage + Exhibition Space  = N125,000


3. A4 Full colored Back Page on institute’s magazine + Logo on website with your company website as hyperlink + Screen Advert inside conference hall + One Minute Introduction On Stage + Exhibition Space  = N100,000


4. A5 Full colored on institute’s magazine + Logo on website with your company website as hyperlink + Screen Advert inside conference hall  + One Minute Introduction On Stage + Exhibition Space = N75,000


Please, all trainees should be well informed that the only fee they are expected to pay is their membership fees. All trainees are to enjoy 100% waiver on conference fees.

Membership Induction Fees for Trainees

1. Associate Members: N50,000 ($150)

2. Full Member: N65,000 ($170)

3. Fellow: N75,000 ($200)

Note: All 2020 – 2021 Inductees are to enjoy 5 years membership validity.

Payments can be made via transfer and deposit to;

Account Name: Integrated Institute of Professional Management.

Account Number: 


Bank Name:

Keystone Bank PLC


International Payments can be made online via https://paystack.com/pay/iipm

General Conference Information –

Mr. Chidike Nnamani – 


[email protected]

Call for Paper and Submission –

Dr. Oluwaseyi David –


[email protected]

Sponsorship and Adverts

Mr. Ikenna Okafor –


[email protected]

Membership Information-

Prof. Peter O. Uvere-


[email protected]

Conference Partners and Sponsors

WhatsApp chat

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