Plot 1092 Joseph Gomwalk Street, Gudu,Abuja, Nigeria

Certified Corporate Governance Consultant Executive Course

Earn an Internationally Accredited and Recognized Professional Certification In 

corporate governance consulting

Certification Accredited By Chartered Institute of Management Consultants, USA.

Internationally accepted certification

This certification is accredited by Society for Human Resource Management, USA.

study at your comfort and convenience.

Study online with your laptop, tablets and mobile devices at your own comfort and convenience.

international curriculum for Quality training

Training is administered by quality professionals using Society for Human Resource Management Body of Competency and Knowledge.

Access to training materials

Get access to all materials at no extra cost.

Choose the perfect level

Whether you are a prospective or line manager, a middle or top level manager, you can make your best selection.

Associate CGC

course content

Lead CGC

course content

Program information

The number one capital asset of any firm is the quality of the human capital it operates with. Building an infallible team with marching capacities for high-level productivity, effectiveness and performance, creates not just a competitive advantage but also a sustainable advantage. Any company can be good but to have a great company, you must have a great team.

Irrespective of disciplines, human resource management skills have become the ‘most sought after’ and ‘must-have’ skills by the 21st century worker in the 21st century workplace. This is because all present day employees must be groomed emotionally, intellectually, strategically, management, leadership and business-wise to be able to coordinate business operations with high-level performance, productivity, excellence and profitability.

With this, it is obvious to state that the human resource professional has become a fast growing profession with overwhelming demand and everyone who believes in the future, must see the HR profession as the future of every sustainable organization.

This course is structured into 13 modules that would be administered in four weeks online.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Scope of Human Resource Management

Processes in Human Resource Management

Skills of HR Professionals

HRM in Performance Management

Recruitment and Selection Strategies

Employee Retention Strategies

Employee Motivation

Training and Appraisal

Human Resource Planning

Management of Contractors

Change Management

Business Culture

Business Ethics

Strategic HRM Essentials

Global HRM Essentials

Emotional Intelligence

Case studies

  • Overview of Strategic Management
  • Strategic Human Resource Management Framework
  • Strategic Role of Human Resource Department
  • Employee Resourcing Strategy
  • Employee Relations Strategy
  • Human Capital Management Strategy
  • Knowledge Management Strategy
  • High Performance Management Strategy
  • Organization Development Strategy
  • Talent Management Strategy
  • Employee Motivation and Retention Strategy.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
  • Learning and Development Strategy
  • Management Development Strategy
  • Reward Management Strategy
  • Employment Engagement Strategy
  • Change Management
  • Global HRM Overview
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Risk Management
  • Industrial Relations
  • International Human Resource Management
  • Performance Management
  • Leadership and Management Development
  • Management of  Organization Learning and Development
  • Organization Behavior
  • Health, Safety and Environment
  • Human Resource Management Information System.
  • International Labor Laws

This course is designed for all who wish to build and/or improve their HR skills to suit current workplace realities. Irrespective of your discipline, office, department or role in your organization, you need this course. 

Lecture are delivered online via zoom. All participants are encouraged to download and setup zoom on their laptops, tablets and/or mobile devices. You can download from zoom.us/download.

Level One: 3 weeks

Level Two: 4 Weeks

Level Three: Five Weeks

Download 2022 Complete Course Brochure






N55,000 ($145)

N65,000 ($170)

N85,000 ($225)


N105,000 ($280)

N145,000 ($380)

N215 ($565)

Note: Online classes are 100% Free. Optional payments are only available for Study materials, Examination and Certification.

Our Approvals, Accreditation and Partnerships

CIMC - IIPM International
IIPM International Standard

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"IIPM is bridging the gap between education and industry; helping individuals to build capacity and character that will meet industry needs. I recommend IIPM to all interested in professional and executive education."
'I did my Project Management and Human Resource Management Certification Programs with IIPM. The price of IIPM’s training almost discouraged me from attending their sessions but since I gave it a trial, I have never stopped recommending them to organizations and individuals. Their training are practical and easy to apply. I strongly recommend them to all.
“I got my Project Management and other Certifications from IIPM. The training is interactive, fun and quality. The facilitators are well experienced and knowledgeable. The certifications are also well recognized. For your career growth, I will recommend IIPM.”
Mustapha Idris
"IIPM is a quality-driven institute that can help you achieve your career goals. I obtained my Project Management, Human Resource Management and Health safety and Environment Management Certifications from IIPM. These skills greatly increased my performance and made me stand out.
elizabeth john
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